About Savannah

Growing up, I was a people pleaser who lacked boundaries. I faced my fair share of challenges early in life, that forced me to grow up much too quickly. The weight of adult responsibilities landed on my shoulders prematurely, forging a resilience I still proudly carry today, but also a variety of unhelpful thinking patterns and unrealistic expectations that stayed with me far beyond my formative years.

Immersed in these unhelpful thinking patterns, I entered early adulthood trapped in a perpetual pursuit of others’ acceptance and approval. Instead of discovering my own identity and shaping my own future, I leaned on the expectations of those around me, and built my life around their definition(s) of success.

In short, I lost sight of who I was, and had a completely flawed perception of what would bring true happiness and fulfillment into my life.

Throughout the different seasons and aspects of my journey, I've learned that it's not my job to shoulder or satisfy others’ opinions…and I've let go of the guilt I used to carry around meeting their expectations. I've discovered the power of drawing boundaries, prioritizing my own well-being, and using my thoughts to determine my outcomes.

Now, I am dedicated to guiding others in releasing old, unhelpful thinking patterns and harnessing the power of their thoughts to shape their future. Together, we can kick old narratives to the curb, embrace the person you REALLY are, and create a future you’re excited about.