
Your happiness and fulfillment do NOT have to be dependent on others’ approval or your accomplishments alone.

Now maybe you’re thinking, “Sure, sounds nice…but it’s just not that easy.”

I get it. I know what it’s like to spend years of life in what seems like an endless spiral of meeting everyone else’s needs and looking for fulfillment in all the wrong places.

I know what it’s like to…

Strive through life and doing what we believe others want us to do. 
Chase professional or personal accomplishments, believing they will bring happiness and confidence. 
Avoid setting (and keeping) boundaries…because the thought of saying “no” produces anxiety and self-doubt. 
Maintain a certain image, assuming happiness will come if everything looks good on the outside.

Yep, I’ve been there - and the truth is, many of us adopt these patterns as a means to feel secure throughout life.

Based on circumstances and events that we may not have been able to control, we rely on things like always doing what others want us to do, reaching for monumental achievements, and minimizing our own dreams and desires as a way to make it through life.

Whether we know it or not, these patterns become ingrained in the way we view the world…and more importantly, the way we view ourselves. As a result, we continue operating within these deeply rooted patterns, even when they are no longer what’s best for our lives.

Before we know it, we wake up wondering who we even are, and what we really want out of life. Therefore, we remain in the same rhythms we’ve been “taught” to live in all along.

We say yes to things we don’t want to say yes to.

We skip the afternoon workout in order to appear more productive at work.

We spend more time on our laptops than we do with our loved ones.

We stack our calendar with no margin or time to replenish.

And then, our heads hit the pillow at the end of each day thinking “Phew. I made it through another one.”

But can I let you in on something else?

Patterns are breakable, and even the deepest roots can be torn away.

Finding the “middle ground” – aka the space where you can both pursue your dreams & aspirations and stay grounded in a strong sense of self-assurance – is 1,000% possible! You can release yourself from the guilt that holds you back and embrace boundaries with confidence and peace.

It’s time to dig up those old roots that no longer serve you, and plant new ones that feel true to who you really are.

Ways to Work With Me

In Person Therapy

Meet me for sessions in a cozy office located in Land O' Lakes, Florida. 

Online Therapy

Cut the commute and access support from the comfort of your own home.